Monday, June 15, 2015

Last in the ACT Cross Country Championships

I knew when I looked at the sign-on sheet that I had last place sewn up. Thommo was the second slowest runner and he's in 20-low 5k form. I was resigned to a solo 12k time trial on Stromlo's undulating grass track. David ran with me for the first k (he'd raced 5k earlier that morning in 19:45) before taking off and winning the M55s in 54:00.

My laps progressively got slower but I didn't feel awful at any stage. My 25k per week running legs survived! My heart and lungs had been comfortable enough — average heart rate of 145 and a maximum of 154 as I pushed to get under 59 minutes. I finished 18th and last in 58:44, Thommo ahead, almost out of sight, running 57:05.

If you race a lot, one day you'll start a race as the slowest runner and finish last. If a 15-minute 5k runner started in a 5000 metre heat at the Olympics he'd get lapped and finish last. Aside from the memorable placing I was quite pleased with my race. Beforehand I'd been nervous about the step-up in racing distance from 5k to 12k but it didn't turn out to be so bad. As I was running I enjoyed the sunshine, my niggle-free legs and the mild (for winter in Canberra) temperature. It had been a good day.

I make sure my Garmin is working for my longest run in more than a month. The 12k race was won by Joshua Johnson in 36:39.


Thomas said...

God, I hate cross country. I really hate cross country. Did I tell you yet how much I hate cross country? I keep typing that because otherwise once every 2 years or so I forget how much I hate cross country and allow the club secretary to add me to the team for the local championship. I invariably run really badly after remembering within the first 100m of the race how much I hate cross country and how badly I suck at it.

Well done for running a cross country race! :)

TokyoRacer said...

Nice that you ran under 5:00/km and the legs felt good. That's the most important thing.
36:39? That's some serious speed!

Ewen said...

No you didn't Thomas! Tell me how much you hate cross country :) Actually, our cross country isn't "real" - we're not running through ploughed fields, sticky mud and hurdling fences. You'd probably love it!

Thanks Bob. Yes, he's quick. One of the best young local runners.

Running Raggedy said...

Mate, I really enjoyed that and hats off for achieving what you wanted from the race and more. Days and moments in time like you described make it a joy to be alive and out there amongst it all.

Ewen said...

Thanks Mark. So true - wouldn't be dead for quids.

Anonymous said...

Well done. It sounds like a very satisfying run

Ewen said...

Thanks Canute. It was - but I'm glad it's over!

Black Knight said...

In my opinion 58:44 is a good finishing time. However you are not alone, I was the last in my first race in 1985, 12 km in 60:00.

Ewen said...

Thanks Stefano. That's amazing! 5 minute ks is pretty quick if you ask me, and finishing last shouldn't happen. At least these days there are so many more new and slower runners.